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The Ultimate Guide to Cooking with CBD Oil

6 minutes reading time (1192 words)

Have you ever considered cooking with CBD oil? As you may know, cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound that's found in the cannabis plant. It's not psychoactive like Delta-8 THC, and it's also not addictive. There are many CBD products on the market, and CBD oil is one of the most popular ones. It can be used in many ways, but CBD recipes are quite popular - you can use CBD oil when you cook, bake, or make beverages. If you're curious about cooking with CBD oil, read on!

Why Cook With CBD Oil?

If this concept is new to you, you may be wondering why CDB food is popular. In 2019, three-quarters of the chefs who responded to a National Restaurant Association survey said foods infused with CBD and cannabis were a hot trend. That being said, local regulators often crack down on restaurants looking to serve CBD-infused dishes. However, you can make CBD food at home.

CBD is popular because it can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Many people report feeling a sense of calm after using CBD oil and some say they're able to sleep better. If you're thinking about using CBD oil for cooking, you'll be happy to know that it can go into almost any kind of food including soups, salads, cakes, and smoothies. Cooking with hemp oil can be a way of getting your daily dose of CBD or just a way to experiment in the kitchen. When cooking with CBD, there are some things you need to keep in mind.

What To Avoid When Cooking With CBD Oil

Although the possibilities are almost endless when it comes to using CBD oil for cooking, there are certain things you shouldn't do. For example, while you can bake foods up to a certain temperature, you shouldn't fry with CBD oil or use it in the microwave. That's because the oil degrades at high temperatures. If you want to put CBD oil in food that's hot, you should add it after the food is already cooked.

You should also avoid adding too much oil to your CBD edibles recipes. While CBD oil can be a wonderful addition to your dishes, using too much can make your food less delectable. Consider mixing your oil with salad dressing if you're having leafy greens or adding some coconut oil if you're baking with CBD oil.

You should also avoid flavored CBD oil in your food although you can add it to drinks such as cocktails or shakes. Otherwise, you're free to experiment with cannabis oil food recipes.

The Basics of Cooking With CBD Oil

Cooking with CBD is both simple and fun. However, you need to know the basics if you want to ensure your dishes are tasty. Here are some of the things you need to do.

Select a High-Quality Oil

Cooking or baking with CBD oil starts with getting the right ingredients. Not all CBD oils are the same so you need to choose carefully if you want to have the best experience. When following your favorite CBD edibles recipes, you should only use oil from reputable companies that provide third-party lab reports.

Mix Your CBD Oil with An Oil or Fat-Based Carrier

When using CBD oil in food, you need to infuse it in a fatty carrier before you add it to your dish. Coconut oil, ghee, and butter are popular. Blending CBD oil with a carrier helps to make sure that it spreads evenly throughout the dish. It also helps to ensure that more of the CBD gets into your bloodstream.

Don't Use High Heat When Cooking with CBD Oil

As we noted earlier, you really need to be careful about how much heat you use when cooking with CBD oil. If the oil gets too hot, the active compounds will burn off and you'll lose out on the flavonoids and terpenes that could benefit you. Therefore, you should avoid cooking CBD oil at more than 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

Make Sure You Don't Use Too Much in Your CBD Recipes

If you've never tried cooking with hemp oil before, you may use a lot more than you really should. Using too much CBD oil can affect the taste and consistency of your dish so you need to be careful. It's best to use just a little CBD oil until you get used to the taste and the way it affects both you and your meals. After you've gained a bit more experience with cannabis oil food recipes, you can add more if desired.

Stir, Stir and Stir Some More

When learning how to cook with cannabis, you need to remember the importance of stirring your food. This helps with spreading the CBD throughout the dish so that each bite contains some of the oil.

Simple CBD Recipes You May Want to Try

You can add your CBD oil to a simple breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Here are some easy ways to get started with CBD food.

CBD Bulletproof Coffee

Cooking with CBD oil and trying CBD recipes can be as simple as making coffee. Bulletproof coffee is a mixture of coffee, butter, and coconut oil. This creamy drink that looks like a latte is used to promote weight loss, boost energy levels, and improve focus. To get even more out of it, you can infuse your coconut oil with CBD oil. Brew any type of coffee and then add it to your blender with a teaspoon or two of butter and a few teaspoons of your CBD oil and coconut oil mixture. Blend until you get a froth on top and enjoy your first CBD oil recipe.

Butter and Toast

This is another easy way to use CBD oil in food. It's just like regular toast but you need to make some CBD butter ahead of time. Add two cups of butter, 20 milliliters of hemp oil, and a cup of water to a pot. Cook it on low heat for about two hours, stirring regularly so it doesn't burn. Then, transfer the mixture to a container and refrigerate it. Once your CBD butter solidifies, you can spread it on your toast. How much easier could it be to use CBD oil in food?

Pesto Pasta

Wondering about cooking with CBD for lunch or dinner? Why not try a pesto pasta? For this CBD oil recipe you'll need:

  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cups of basil
  • 1/2 cups of pine nuts or walnuts
  • 3/4 cup of grated cheese
  • 1/2 cups of CBD oil
Put the garlic, basil, and nuts in your food processor and pulse it until the mixture is slightly coarse. Place the mixture in a bowl with the cheese and oil and stir it well then pour it over your favorite pasta.

Get Cooking with Hemp Oil

Now that you know the basics of how to cook with cannabis, it's time to get cracking! While there are many ways to use CBD, using it in food and beverages can be quite enjoyable. One bottle of CBD will allow you to try several different things so don't be afraid to experiment with various CBD recipes.

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