By Bill Gordon on Friday, 04 September 2020
Category: Editorial

Top Selling Products For Recreational Smoking In Canada

As cannabis becomes more legal, the world around it changes as well. The industry around it continues to expand daily.

Cannabis use is more popular, and even politicians now campaign on a platform on total weed legalizations. The world is finally changing for the better, and we are here to witness it.

Cannabis use is expanding so much that even busy moms are baking and selling edibles.

Have you heard about a mom who became a millionaire baking and selling edibles? It may sound unbelievable, but it's actually a real story. Cannabis has reached the suburbs, and now is the perfect time to purchase excellent products for recreational smoking.

Recreational Smoking Products

Cannabis in Canada is legal for both recreational and medicinal purposes, and now other countries are following this trend.

Interestingly, certain products are more on the rise than others. Since the demand is on the rise, it's crucial to know where to shop for specific products.

After all, strong demand asks for a better supply.

Although cannabis is legal in Canada, it's still difficult to promote cannabis-related products and reach all the potential customers. Search engines like Google, for example, don't allow cannabis advertising. So, the manufacturers are forced to find new channels to sell their products. Companies like are stepping in big-time with marketing and distribution for cannabis manufacturers enabling them to cover the market.

Some of the "most wanted" products will be mentioned further down the article.

Top Selling Products For Recreational Smoking

When it comes to recreational smoking, proper tools are a must. There is always a reason why one product is better than the other, and you should explore its traits.

To help you get the right product, we have listed the top three products for recreational smoking that you must-have today.

Vape Pens

Vape pens are one of the most wanted products for recreational smoking in Canada. At the moment, vape pens are shoulder to should with refined cannabis products such as edibles, beverages, concentrated extracts, and topicals. This comes as no surprise since vaping is already a thing.

Did you know that vaping officially started back in 2003? Until now, vape pens have evolved, became more durable, and healthier for the user.

They are specially designed to vaporize cannabis distillates and oils. They usually consist of two simple pieces: a battery and a cartridge.

They are called pens because the vaping design resembles a traditional pen.

Vape Pens Facts :

Pro tip: When shopping for vape pens, think about the battery capacity and overall lifespan.


Bongs are probably one of the most popular cannabis-related products ever. What makes it interesting is that their popularity doesn't go down.

They come in various sizes and shapes, but the glass bong is considered the best quality. The most common form of a bong is a straight tube or beaker style, downstream, consisting of a mouthpiece and bowl/slide. Cannabis experts believe that bong popularity lies in the simplicity of using it.

Bongs Facts :

Rolling Papers

Rolling papers are always handy when it comes to recreational smoking. If you ask the biggest cannabis enthusiast what makes the perfect joint, they will tell you that everything comes down to rolling papers because they can affect every aspect of the smoking experience.

Plus, if you are up for some sweet rolling papers, you can always choose flavored rolling papers.

Don't overdo it because it can put off the natural flavor of cannabis. Use flavored rolling papers as an occasional treat.

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