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Event Information
Event Title:
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Event Description:
Community and collaboration with virtual connection and support between events.

Intention: Vertical integration of cannabis

How shall we vertically integrate cannabis back into the human family?

Note: one time membership fee, lifetime connection.
Because we are housed under Unified Medicine Institute's Virtual Clinic and Classroom, members receive free access to our Physicians and Healer's forum. Apprentice based learning via school of life.

We host silent retreats during Spring equinox, Summer solstice, and Winter solstice. Enjoy our Fall Flower Festival kick of during the September new moon which culminates with the Colorado Harvest Festival! Check: unifiedmedicineinstitutehub.com for updates.

International Cannabis Collaborative Members are invited to move to Colorado to participate in our state wide project 2020. Ask us about this program. #embreefamilylegacy
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