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    Marketing Cannabis Businesses in 2020: So Now What?!?!

    Chances are your marketing budget and strategy changed in 2020. With a limited budget and resources in the face of so much uncertainty, many plant-touching and ancillary cannabis businesses alike are scratching their heads wondering what the best next move is for creating awareness and driving sa...
    Chances are your marketing budget and strategy changed in 2020. With a limited budget and resources in the face of so much uncertainty, many plant-touching and ancillary cannabis businesses alike are scratching their heads wondering what the best next move is for creating awareness and driving sales for their business.

    Don't miss this timely -- and free! -- virtual discussion with experienced marketing executives from the country's liveliest legal cannabis markets for ideas on how your business can best adjust its marketing in the second half of one heck of a zany year. Presented in an open roundtable format, our speakers will cover topics including:

    - How to know where and when to spend marketing dollars during the enduring COVID-19 pandemic
    - Ideas for making effective connections with new customers and business collaborators when there are no networking events or tradeshows
    - Where to cut back and where to ramp up marketing activities
    - How to stand out and connect with customers during election season
    - How cannabis brands can effectively respond to current events with grace and authenticity
    - And more - bring your questions!
    20th Aug, 2020 10:00AM - 1:00PM
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