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    The Cannabis Conceptions Experience

    The Cannabis Conceptions’ Experience is a outdoor movie event showing the best scenes from your favorite stoner ? ? . Free massages , Food, Clothing, Art, Adult Games, Dab Bar, Live Music ,and More!!
    Cannabis Conceptions is where we ask the cannabis-related questions and you answer them. Strictl...
    The Cannabis Conceptions’ Experience is a outdoor movie event showing the best scenes from your favorite stoner ? ? . Free massages , Food, Clothing, Art, Adult Games, Dab Bar, Live Music ,and More!!
    Cannabis Conceptions is where we ask the cannabis-related questions and you answer them. Strictly adult theory no serious business on the science and evidence of who first founded cannabis. We the people want to chime in and share our concept of who we think the first people were to discover this plant and it’s properties.
    1. Who discovered Cannabis?
    2. What way did they find out the properties of Cannabis did they smoke it, burn it, or did they eat it?
    3. What is the funniest or worst moment you had on Cannabis?
    Must be 21 and up ID is required..

    Persis Indian Grill
    146 Applegarth Road
    Monroe, NJ 08831
    7th Aug, 2021 5:30AM - 10:00PM
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