  • MjLink Events created a new event

    NECANN - 2024 Michigan Cannabis Convention

    In a crowded field of events, NECANN conventions are a unique mix of the local industry, advocates, and community, combined with leading national companies and thought leaders from around the country. Since 2014, our locally-focused conventions have helped expand market opportunities for busines...
    In a crowded field of events, NECANN conventions are a unique mix of the local industry, advocates, and community, combined with leading national companies and thought leaders from around the country. Since 2014, our locally-focused conventions have helped expand market opportunities for businesses, entrepreneurs, investors, educators, patients, advocates, and consumers.

    Our event is the only major convention entirely focused on cannabis opportunities and education relevant to Michigan, as opposed to the generic traveling canna-convention franchises that pop up everywhere. Rather than popping in once a year to see what the Michigan cannabis industry can do for us, NECANN will take a collaborative, inclusive approach with the goal of helping local businesses, entrepreneurs, career seekers, medical patients network, learn and grow along with the local cannabis market as a whole.
    20th Sep, 2024 10:00AM - 21st Sep, 2024 3:00PM
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