To qualify for the Sonoma Seeds Guarantee, we require that you germinate your Sonoma Seeds using the methods described below. Any other method used to germinate your seeds we will not cover. We have tested numerous methods of germination and have found the best ways to germinate.
Use only Spring Water to germinate Sonoma Seeds. By using spring water this will eliminate 99% of any issues caused by tap/well water which often have minerals, toxins which prevent germination and kill the seeds.
- Step #1:
- Drop your Sonoma Seeds into a glass half full of the spring water.
- Lets them soak between 15-18 hours from the time you drop them into the water.
- Do not soak them beyond this time because it is possible to drown your seeds.
- Step #2:
- Dampen a plain, thick paper towel with spring water and place on a ceramic plate.
- Place the seeds on the damp paper towel and fold the paper towel over the top of the seeds.
- Pour off any excess water.
- Step #3:
- Place seeds in a dark area without any light until the seeds open, which depending on the strain, the seeds may take up to 7 days to germinate.
- Check every 5-12 hours to make sure the towel is still moist.
- Spray with spring water if needed.
- Be patient and attentive.
When germination is complete, the taproot will be between 1/4 to 1/2 inch long (.635cm to 1.27cm). At this point you can transfer your successfully germinated Sonoma Seed(s) to dirt or rock wool cubes with the root facing down.
Enjoy growing your cannabis plant!