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The Different Kind Of Rolling Paper Explained

3 minutes reading time (614 words)

Rolling papers come in all sizes, colors, and flavors. For an amazing rolling experience, you should always aim for high-quality rolling papers. You may be surprised just how much poor quality rolling papers can mess with your smoking time.

You can buy them at every corner, and they are 100% legal in every state, unless you are under 18, of course. Rolling papers are used to encase cannabis. The sheets may be made of hemp, wood pulp, flax, and even made of hemp, and you can use them to hand-roll or machine-roll.

Just like any other cannabis-related products, some rolling papers are better than others. They may vary in structure, thickness, and flavor.

Let's see what kind of rolling papers you can find in the market today.

White Or Brown?

Rolling papers may have different burning rates and ventilation control. They can contain additional substances that may slow down the burning, stabilize the smoke, and even ash. White rolling papers contain chlorine or calcium carbonate, which slows down the burn.

On the other hand, colored rolling papers also contain certain chemicals or even natural substances. Today, rolling papers are made by trustworthy brands.

These brands prefer to create chemical-free products and actually improve the taste and aftertaste of your smoke.

Other Papers

Just a few years ago, you couldn't find this much diversity among rolling papers, as you can see today. Now, rolling papers come in different styles and flavors.

It can be fun to try innovative papers, and it's always a good idea to learn how to roll with thin paper - this way, you can reduce the number of dangerous substances that you may inhale.

Did you know that the thinnest papers weigh around 10g/m²? In different parts of the world, you may expect different paper types.

For example, best rolling papers Canada are more oriented toward papers such as Zig Zag, while consumers in the States prefer brands such as RAW. Favorite brands come down to personal preference, which is why it's important to experiment. Always have fun and experiment!

Are Hemp Rolling Papers Better?

Many cannabis consumers love using rolling hemp papers. This practice makes the entire joint a cannabis-derived product. Many claim that papers with hemp fibers are the healthiest, but there is still no strong evidence on this claim.

When it comes to healthy rolling papers, one is for sure - healthiest rolling papers are chemical-free and processing-free.

Quick Tip: If you are vegan and you want vegan papers as well, you should try RAW rolling papers, as they are vegan-friendly and made of 100% hemp fibers.

Hemp or Rice Rolling Papers

It turns out that rolling papers can be made out of anything. It comes as no surprise that some papers are made out of hemp and rice. Hemp saves trees because papers are made from hemp fiber, while rice papers kind of do the same thing?

Hemp papers are thicker and a bit rough compared to rice ones. Hemp papers provide a really good grip when rolling.

The biggest downside is that these papers may absorb humidity easily and have a medium burn rate. Rice papers tend to burn faster, but they are thin and have no taste, which makes them many people's number one choice.

Rolling Papers Benefits

To get your perfect rolling paper, you need to taste them. Every kind of rolling paper comes with specific treats.

Here are the common traits to all rolling papers:

  • Rolling papers are affordable
  • They enhance your smoking experience
  • You can easily master their rolling
  • With no-flavored rolling papers, you will get the pure flavor of your substance
  • If you need something different, you can opt flavored papers

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