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    Understanding Marijuana Use in Your Community virtual 2021

    Who should attend: Individuals, farmers, women- and minority-owned businesses, and entrepreneurs of all kinds looking to learn more about what legalization of adult-use marijuana might mean to them. Also, municipal officials who want to learn more about revenue sharing provisions or opting...
    Who should attend: Individuals, farmers, women- and minority-owned businesses, and entrepreneurs of all kinds looking to learn more about what legalization of adult-use marijuana might mean to them. Also, municipal officials who want to learn more about revenue sharing provisions or opting out of having retail dispensaries and on-site consumption facilities in their communities.

    Why you should attend: The new law is very broad and detailed. We will provide an overview and discuss the many types of licenses available, when you can apply, and who will get special consideration. There are also important deadlines to discuss. If you have questions, we will end with a Q&A session to address them for you.
    27th May, 2021 12:00PM - 1:00PM
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