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The ONLY Conference focused on providing practical, actionable, how-to information you can use to break into the Cannabis industry NOW! ? WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT? The Real Cannabis Entrepreneur LIVE Conference is the ONLY event focused on providing progressive business owners, investors and opportunity seekers with real life how-to information about breaking into the cannabis industry. No theory, state of the industry or policy based topics, just practical how-to instruction delivered by experienced cannabis professionals who've been there and done that! We've commissioned 20+ PIONEERS of the Cannabis & CBD industry to teach their closely guarded secrets, success stories, lessons and experiences that will give you a distinct advantage and blueprint to crack into the industry of Cannabis, Hemp, CBD and Medical Marijuana. -----VISIT SITE FOR FULL DETAILS-------www.RealCannabisEntrepreneur.com ? ATTEND IN-PERSON OR WATCH AT HOME! We're going LIVE!!! This our first In-Person event in over a year & the 1st one to be held in NJ since legalization! EXTRAORDINARY virtual connections were made at our events over the past year & now everyone is dying to meet face-to-face!! ??? -----VISIT SITE FOR FULL DETAILS--------www.RealCannabisEntrepreneur.com ? GOODY BOX DELIVERED TO YOUR DOORSTEP! VIP & Platinum ticket holders get a RealCanna GOODY BOX filled with $100 or more worth of swag from our sponsors! Each Goody Box is unique & everyone who attended last year, will attest to the plethora of SWAG you get when you attend our conference. This year will be even BIGGER!!! (NOTE: does not contain marijuana or CBD products) Here's a shortlist of some of our product sponsors: Mood Mats * King Palm Wraps * TribeTokes* SockJunkee * StonedFusion * Green Panther * Beezy Bee * MaskJunkee * Kreaky Products * RCE Gear & more... -----VISIT SITE FOR FULL DETAILS--------www.RealCannabisEntrepreneur.com ? WHAT MAKES IT UNIQUE? You'll get real life examples, business models, solutions & strategies that can be harnessed IMMEDIATELY to start generating capital and position yourself for the BOOM! The Real Cannabis Entrepreneur presenters have years of experience and will be sharing information that you CANNOT, and WILL NOT, get ANYWHERE!! This will be a collection of some of the brightest and most experienced cannabis entrepreneurs you will find anywhere GUARANTEED! -----VISIT SITE FOR FULL DETAILS--------www.RealCannabisEntrepreneur.com
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