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    What You'll Learn:

    Cannabis policy is ever-evolving. President Biden recently pardoned thousands with federal marijuana convictions and is considering a change in cannabis’s drug scheduling, and new policy initiatives continue to move throughout federal and state legislatures. As the legal sta...
    What You'll Learn:

    Cannabis policy is ever-evolving. President Biden recently pardoned thousands with federal marijuana convictions and is considering a change in cannabis’s drug scheduling, and new policy initiatives continue to move throughout federal and state legislatures. As the legal status of cannabis continues to change, what does this mean for the industry? How can those within CRE capitalize?
    How does legal marijuana policy and regulation differ across the country? How can industry players navigate these complexities?
    How is the cannabis industry, and local and federal government ensuring equity for underrepresented communities? How can CRE professionals bridge this gap?
    What is the outlook on cannabis retail and industrial space? How do these developments affect local CRE markets?
    "Green zones" are areas where cannabis businesses can operate. Because there are often many rules and regulations dictating where cannabis can be grown and sold, approved zones can be limited. How can these and other regulations best be navigated?
    How can dispensaries best improve user experience? What can developers and contractors do to optimize space?
    As states continue to legalize recreational cannabis, will the “green wave” continue?
    Who’s currently investing in cannabis CRE and how is it impacting the flow of capital? How does this vary depending on local state policies?

    How You'll Do More Business:

    There is no doubt that there is a lot of green in the marijuana business, with the U.S. cannabis industry expected to reach $32B in annual sales in 2022 alone. Join us as we gain insights on the latest information and developments in the booming cannabis industry. As states continue to change marijuana policies, find out how you can capitalize on emerging opportunities and conquer its growing challenges. Learn from industry titans as we dive deep into the world of cannabis and the trends impacting growth.

    Who Attends:

    Brokers, owners, developers, investors, construction, designers, architects, financial institutions, community leaders, government officials, and more!

    Why You Should Attend:

    Bisnow events bring together the biggest power players in the industry to identify opportunities, build your network and expand your business. With the largest audience of commercial real estate professionals in the world, no one knows how to help your business more than us. Join Bisnow as we jump into the market to analyze its strengths and strategize on its areas of opportunity.

    16th Feb, 2023 1:00PM
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