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Event Description:
Lima’s Hemp and Cannabis Seminar
A forum for those interested in learning more about the socioeconomic benefits that Lima could experience from a hemp and cannabis industry.
Sat April 24 1:00-4:20
This event is sponsored by Hayes for Lima Mayor and will be moderated by Dr. Joshua Hayes; military veteran, patient advocate, medical cannabis patient.
The panel of speakers include
Tim Johnson
Tim is a retired Law Enforcement Officer and a US Air Force Veteran. Tim presents with thirty years experience in the safety and security disciplines and an educational background in Criminal Law and Police Sciences. As a Safety and Security Specialist,Tim founded Cannabis Safety First to provide services to the Ohio Medical Cannabis Program. As an instrumental participant in the creation of the Ohio Medical Cannabis and Ohio Hemp Programs, Tim continues to work with state legislators to secure patient protection rights and to promote the betterment of the programs. Tims legislative services further cover drug policy reform, criminal justice reform and government relations. Tim stays active in the programs by providing a state accredited safety training program, turnkey security services, legislative input and consults with various advocacy organizations around the state. cannabissafetyfirst.com
Dr. Bridget Williams
Dr. Bridget Williams is the owner of Green Harvest Health, a medical cannabis clinic located near Columbus, OH. Green Harvest Health is the only medical cannabis clinic and life and wellness coaching practice in Ohio. Dr. Williams brings nearly 20 years of experience in family medicine from Cleveland Clinic and training in life and cannabis coaching to her practice. Dr. Bridget provides valuable talks on medical cannabis, CBD, life balance and confidence. In 2019, Dr Bridget branched out into developing her own line of CBD products as well as product development for other businesses. When not seeing patients, Dr. Bridget hosts a CBD education series, and holistic wellness series and teaches at the Cleveland School of Cannabis.
Joseph Brennan
Joe is the Owner/CEO of Columbus Botanical and Cincinnati Botanical Depots and a US Army Veteran. Joe shares a unique knowledge of the ECS and how plant based cannabinoid products work together. Joe is a realtor and investor who presents his success in business development methodologies in his expansion goals around Ohio.
Chad Thompson
Chad is the Executive Director for the Sensible Movement Coalition.
Mr Thompson, originally from Fremont Ohio served honorably in the US Army starting at 17 years old. Author and framer of The Sensible Marijuana Ordinance, a No Fine, No Jail Time Decriminalization Ordinance that is cutting edge policy currently protecting over 3 million Ohioans living and working throughout the state. The Sensible Movement Coalition has worked with hundreds of local citizens to change cannabis laws throughout the United States.
Lisa Zwirner
Lisa is The Director of Education for The Cleveland School of Cannabis. She is responsible for the recruitment of faculty and the continuous curriculum updates to keep their courses current, with the evolving regulations and discoveries within the cannabis industry. Her cannabis achievements were a result of becoming a Michigan Caregiver, grower and breeder of her own chemovar that is commercialized in Canada. Lisa has worked with some of the top cannabis influencers in the U.S. and Canada, assisting as a moderator for 5 years with a popular Live cannabis education series Hash Church. Lisa is also a staff member for a cannabis group in Ohio, called Canna Can, which is a cannabis networking non-profit to promote positive awareness towards cannabis with community service projects. She also was formerly a medical phlebotomist, as well as a family business owner for a Stainless-Steel Processing Equipment company in Ohio and Tennessee.
Admissions to this forum is free. Due to high demand, we ask that you call to reserve your seat. 4192242820
Event schedule;
1:00 Introduction of event, speakers, topics and your platform as Mayor.
1:15 Session one topics,
social economic opportunities, ancillaries, jobs, revenue
educational opportunities, Ohio and elsewhere
social equity and diversity
2:15 Break
2:30 State Representative Juanita Brent will provide a legislative update on the state of cannabis and hemp programs in Ohio and the social economic opportunities that come with these emerging industries. HB60
3:00 Break
3:15 Session two topics;
OhioMedicalCannabisProgram status/updates
Decriminalization legislation status, HB210
Adult Use Program legislation status
4:20 Event ends ... our time!!!
NOTE two 15 minute breaks provides networking opportunities!! 
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