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This course is an essential training tool that provides a thorough overview of valuation principles which lays an essential foundation for financial professionals and advisors to provide outstanding services to their clients as it pertains to cannabis.

The general principles of valuing enterprises also apply to a cannabis company. There are caveats to valuing a cannabis business, such as regulatory and tax attributes of the industry that considerably complicates the valuation of a cannabis-related enterprise. This course discusses unique valuation considerations for cannabis-related appraisals. Expanding upon this principle, the business advisor must be prepared to wear multiple hats, whether it is purely tax, accounting, or valuation; business owners now expect counsel on how to improve the business enterprise’s performances by shaving costs, improving revenues, minimization of tax, and increasing company value. This course also explains the unique principles of this fast–rising industry, which will include mandatory “annual” valuations that will be required, due to tax implications.

How You Will Benefit
After completing this course, attendees will be able to:

Describe the basic knowledge and terminology that is essential to the cannabis industry
List the drivers of federal taxation concerning cannabis
Identify the most prominent tax court cases driving the cannabis industry
Utilize valuation approaches specific to cannabis and increase your client base
Describe the importance of intellectual property as it pertains to cannabis valuation and increase your services and profits

Virtual Event
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