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Event Information
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Event Description:
Cannabis is currently one of the fastest-growing industries in Canada!

With the legalization and commercialization of Cannabis, the industry has seen an uprise in career and business opportunities.

The possibilities of Cannabis extend to a wide range, including its benefits in the medicine, recreational, cosmetic, and health and wellness sectors. However, employers are struggling to find skilled workers in the job market!

At NACPT, we are on a mission to bridge this lack of qualified candidates and the booming career opportunities through specific career, networking and informative events.

The event begins with an information session by industry experts, professors and professional consultants working with cannabis regulatory agencies and industry leaders. Following this all attendees can interact and network with the speakers and fellow attendees on cannabis related topics and discuss potential career and business opportunities.

This session also covers the Health Canada’s requirements for hiring employees in the cannabis industry as well as certifications and educational qualifications the cannabis industry is looking for in the employers.

NACPT Pharma College is an industry recognized career college that works in affiliation with major cannabis and health associations. See our affiliates here. The career events also give you the scope of networking with these associations.

City Hall
City hall, Manhattan, New York
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