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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:
Event Description:
• The State of NJ, among others nearby, has taken the first steps to legalize marijuana.
• Create a group of like-minded cannabis experts to become the “go-to” for our clients, friends, and family as this legislation passes.
• Provide an opportunity for professionals to share ideas and collaborate from whatever facet of the industry you represent.
• All areas are welcome; all of us are professionals committed to this industry thriving, ensuring its success, and helping each other along the way.

What to expect:
1. Duration: 60 minutes
2. Location: Register on this page and the Zoom link will be sent to you in an email.
3. Industry update provided by Jason Thomas, CEO & Founding Partner of Precision Quality & Compliance
4. Attendee round robin where the moderator will go around and allow everyone 30 seconds to introduce themselves, their business, and what they’ve been working on this month or are looking for from this meeting, e.g. referrals, advice, etc.
5. Break out rooms where attendees make additional connections and explain in more depth what they’re up to, what they need, discuss challenges, refer resources, and network further.

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