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Currently, there seems to be a misguided approach from employers and insurers allowing access to medical cannabis based on outdated theories.

Blocking access due to an employees' ability to function at a "high" level when prescribed medical Cannabis as well as the idea that the research is not present to open up contracts to medical cannabis coverage due. In fact, medical cannabis is not about the high- but about the pro-active management of chronic pain and moving away from opioid use.

Join us to hear from Dr. Michael Verbora, a leading global expert and advocate on medical cannabis who will take us through the research and how increased access can help to reduce the burden on an employer's disability, opioid/drug use, and lower levels of input due to chronic conditions.

Through a review of extensive data and research, Dr. Michael Verbora will provide insights into the role that medical cannabis can take in the corporate world.

We are also pleased to include Green Shield Canada in this dynamic webinar session on their perspective both presently and what they predict will be the norm. As a national not-for-profit, Green Shield Canada has always taken a proactive approach to manage the well-being of their clients, so their input will be a valuable voice in this session.

This ground-breaking chat will be moderated by Jim Bates who's experience, and sense of humour will round out the presentation and ensure that the audience's questions on this hot topic are addressed by both panelists.

A must-attend for organizations and team leaders.

This is part of The Science of Excellence series.

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