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  • 🎙️ Exciting news! I recently sat down with Adam Carolla in sunny Florida for a special 1-on-1 interview on his podcast. We covered a lot of ground, from my days on daytime TV to my extensive military background. 🇺🇸

    I also shared my personal experience with multiple sclerosis and how cannabis has played a vital part in my wellness regimen.

    🎙️ Exciting news! I recently sat down with Adam Carolla in sunny Florida for a special 1-on-1 interview on his podcast. We covered a lot of ground, from my days on daytime TV to my extensive military background. 🇺🇸

    I also shared my personal experience with multiple sclerosis and how cannabis has played a vital part in my wellness regimen.

    Adam and I dug deep into topics like technology, PTSD, and how the government can better support our veterans. Trust me; you don’t want to miss this in-depth conversation. Tune in to Adam Carolla's podcast to catch all the
    insights. #MontelWilliams #AdamCarolla #PodcastInterview #MilitaryBackground #CannabisAdvocacy #VeteransSupportingVeterans
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  • Happy 420 to the incredible community that has fought tirelessly for cannabis legalization and to those who benefit from its healing powers every day. Since 2000, I’ve stood with you, advocating for the rights to
    use this plant not just recreationally, but as a crucial part of my daily regimen to help mitigate the symptoms of MS.

    Happy 420 to the incredible community that has fought tirelessly for cannabis legalization and to those who benefit from its healing powers every day. Since 2000, I’ve stood with you, advocating for the rights to
    use this plant not just recreationally, but as a crucial part of my daily regimen to help mitigate the symptoms of MS.

    Together, we’ve witnessed an amazing shift towards understanding, acceptance, and legalization. Today is a celebration of that progress, a reminder of the work still ahead, and a personal thank you to cannabis for
    giving me moments of relief in a lifelong battle.

    Here’s to continued advancements, education, and the healing power of cannabis. 🌿#420 #CannabisCommunity #LegalizeIt
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